
Love all the ideas and lightbulb moments here. Your articles always give me so much to think about. And I will never tire of learning German idioms that translate into such cool sayings. I will have to start a spreadsheet and note them all down.

I'm lucky to be traveling right now and I must say that I've become mesmerized by the sky, whether it's the formation of the clouds or a particularly beautiful sunrise or sunset. I'm looking at the world in a way I often don't when at home because at home it just all fades into the background. We do so easily forget the little but beautiful things that create our world as we rush on with our lives. But often we just need the reminder to stop and look. Thanks for the reminder to us all : )



Elizabeth Dawber

English literature & creative writing grad | MWC semi-finalist | Former editor @ The Startup | I write about this thing called life | Human | Pen for hire |🇬🇧